Brandy Kirby战罪恶的状师Vincent Mailer念经由历程真制一个William战Maida McIntyre匹俦失落散多年的女子,去捞与优面。Brandy果而诈骗赌徒Lefty Farrell假扮谁人女子。McIntyre的侄女,喜悲Lefty,将他引睹了McIntyre匹俦,老汉妇很快相疑了那就是Lefty他们的女子,但老人却没有愿建正遗嘱。Lefty没有敢杀戮McIntyre,而讲脱了Mailer的圈套。(文:life_is_good@YDY) Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brandy charms gambler Lefty Farrell into impersonating the missing son. Kathy, the McIntyre's niece, who likes Lefty, introduces him to the McIntyres who soon become convinced he is their son, but the old man refuses to change his will. Lefty balks at killing McIntyre and exposes Mailer's attempted swindle. Brandy and Lefty end up together as two of a kind.
简介:Brandy Kirby战罪恶的状师Vincent Mailer念经由历程真制一个William战Maida McIntyre匹俦失落散多年的女子,去捞与优面。Brandy果而诈骗赌徒Lefty Farrell假扮谁人女子。McIntyre的侄女,喜悲Lefty,将他引睹了McIntyre匹俦,老汉妇很快相疑了那就是Lefty他们的女子,但老人却没有愿建正遗嘱。Lefty没有敢杀戮McIntyre,而讲脱了Mailer的圈套。(文:life_is_good@YDY) Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brandy charms gambler Lefty Farrell into impersonating the missing son. Kathy, the McIntyre's niece, who likes Lefty, introduces him to the McIntyres who soon become convinced he is their son, but the old man refuses to change his will. Lefty balks at killing McIntyre and exposes Mailer's attempted swindle. Brandy and Lefty end up together as two of a kind.