迷幻少女遇著過氣公安老頭,一定是貓捉老鼠累鬥累,也能够是從老前輩身上學會認識自身。阿 P 為遁阿初短她的債,有时與阿初的中公重遇,兩個死涯態度北轅北轍的人,就是這樣正在荒謬的處境中相互學習。阿P正在當中看見年轻一代的無奈:十六歲的失路青秋、愛情的無助、軟性福寿膏的蠶食、里對怙恃失落敗的婚姻、自身渾噩的前途....阿初無故失落蹤,又是可是果抵受没有了同樣殘酷的青秋?世情像玻璃,有時看得透,有時没有,相同的只是:兩者同樣冰热易碎。 The second feature from Hong Kong indie director Carol Lai is about the vulnerability of youth, made even more fragile by the vulnerable world of the adults. Grandpa Wu used to be a policeman in Mainland China and has now retired to a life of seclusion on an outlying island. One day, her daughter calls him up and reports that his granddaughter Ah Cho is again missing. The old man hits the road again, in search of the young girl. Then P, Ah Cho's best friend, emerges out of nowhere and heads Wu's search, leading the old man into a series of strange encounters in the uncharted world of frustrated youth. Source 25th HKIFF (2001)
简介:迷幻少女遇著過氣公安老頭,一定是貓捉老鼠累鬥累,也能够是從老前輩身上學會認識自身。阿 P 為遁阿初短她的債,有时與阿初的中公重遇,兩個死涯態度北轅北轍的人,就是這樣正在荒謬的處境中相互學習。阿P正在當中看見年轻一代的無奈:十六歲的失路青秋、愛情的無助、軟性福寿膏的蠶食、里對怙恃失落敗的婚姻、自身渾噩的前途....阿初無故失落蹤,又是可是果抵受没有了同樣殘酷的青秋?世情像玻璃,有時看得透,有時没有,相同的只是:兩者同樣冰热易碎。 The second feature from Hong Kong indie director Carol Lai is about the vulnerability of youth, made even more fragile by the vulnerable world of the adults. Grandpa Wu used to be a policeman in Mainland China and has now retired to a life of seclusion on an outlying island. One day, her daughter calls him up and reports that his granddaughter Ah Cho is again missing. The old man hits the road again, in search of the young girl. Then P, Ah Cho's best friend, emerges out of nowhere and heads Wu's search, leading the old man into a series of strange encounters in the uncharted world of frustrated youth. Source 25th HKIFF (2001)