Horrified by the cruelty of the Turkish society, a beautiful French schoolgirl, sold into white slavery, seizes power within her sultan's kingdom when he is killed. She implements changes to form a more civilized society and leaves her eternal mark before her death. Based on the true story of Aimee Dubucq De Rivery. 艾梅.杜贝克.德.薇茜,一个艳丽下易度傲的法国女人,被做为黑人仆从卖到土耳其。被事先东圆最壮年夜的人—土耳其王国稣丹选中,年迈的稣丹无药可救天爱上了那们艳丽执拗的法国女人。艾梅亲眼眼睹了土耳其的残酷陋习,被土耳其宫庭的相互倾扎深深震憾。她的污浊天真一面一面被磨失落,她怀了稣丹的女子后,老稣丹正在一次起义中被杀戮,悉数国家一片混治,当新的的稣丹继续王位后,艾梅应时天掌握时机,夺得权利,她停止了一系列革新,正在历史上留下深远的影响。
简介:Horrified by the cruelty of the Turkish society, a beautiful French schoolgirl, sold into white slavery, seizes power within her sultan's kingdom when he is killed. She implements changes to form a more civilized society and leaves her eternal mark before her death. Based on the true story of Aimee Dubucq De Rivery. 艾梅.杜贝克.德.薇茜,一个艳丽下易度傲的法国女人,被做为黑人仆从卖到土耳其。被事先东圆最壮年夜的人—土耳其王国稣丹选中,年迈的稣丹无药可救天爱上了那们艳丽执拗的法国女人。艾梅亲眼眼睹了土耳其的残酷陋习,被土耳其宫庭的相互倾扎深深震憾。她的污浊天真一面一面被磨失落,她怀了稣丹的女子后,老稣丹正在一次起义中被杀戮,悉数国家一片混治,当新的的稣丹继续王位后,艾梅应时天掌握时机,夺得权利,她停止了一系列革新,正在历史上留下深远的影响。